Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Features of the JS language

 Features of the JS language

The main features of this programming language are:

Dynamic typing. That is, the data type will only be determined when a variable or const is assigned its value.

Flexible work with functions. In JS, you can not only execute functions, but also return functions from functions, pass functions as parameters to other functions, and assign functions as the value of variables.

JavaScript is supported by all modern browsers.

Object-oriented programming. That is, it is such a programming methodology in which the entire program is represented as a set of objects.

In addition, an important feature of JavaScript is its developed infrastructure. Today, developers can work with a large number of libraries and frameworks (the most popular of them are React, Angular and Vue), several builders, auxiliary libraries (for example, Lodash), and static site generators.

As for the scope, first of all, the JavaScript language is widely used in web development. And it works in combination with HTML and CSS. Using JS, you can create any browser applications. For example, the loan calculator you see on most bank websites is also built using JavaScript.

Moreover, the entire visual part of this calculator is a combination of HTML + CSS. That is, buttons, charts, sliders are static elements. With the help of JS, everything is animated, and all basic calculations are also carried out.

Another example is a subscription or registration form. It was created in HTML+CSS. However, interaction with the server is provided precisely thanks to JS. In addition, JavaScript can be used to create the following programs and applications:

Mobile software development (using React Native).

Developing server-side solutions with Node.js.

Creation of desktop applications. JS is used, for example, in applications created by Adobe.

Programming of household appliances and payment terminals.

A bit of Javascript history

 The JavaScript programming language is quite popular today. This is due to the fact that it can be used both to create dynamic static web pages, and to write full-fledged SPA applications and even computer games. True, the latter is less common today due to the fact that games are written in other languages.

A bit of history

The first prerequisites for the appearance of this language appeared in 1992, when the development of the scripting embedded language Cmm (C minus minus) was started. It was later renamed ScriptEase because the name C minus minus had a negative connotation. Generally. Before the language acquired its modern name, its name changed several more times.

In 1995, Brendan Eich was given the task of introducing a programming language into the Netscape browser. The language was originally called Mocha, then LiveScript. Finally, it got its modern name - JavaScript. Here the developers went to the trick. At the time when they were improving LiveScript, the Java language was quite popular. In order to attract more developers to work with the new language, it was decided to use Java in its name. The end result is JavaScript.

The latest version of the ES6 language was released in 2015. With its appearance, the language gained a second life. There are new standards, as well as the ability to work with constants. The code itself has also changed. The language adheres to the principle of reducing code with more functionality.

Features of the JS language

 Features of the JS language The main features of this programming language are: Dynamic typing. That is, the data type will only be determi...